Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What?!--Prop 8, the Reign of the Canadian Queen & More!

Today I'm calling on the readers to help me out! Drop me a comment and help me further my education about the topics herein!! I'm feeling lost ...

Well, I guess I'll start with California, who today upheld Proposition 8, the now-infamous "prop" that bans gay marriage. In a strange allowance, I guess you could say, the court did rule that previously married gay couples, who became such before the ban was in place, could remain, well, married. Now, maybe some of you legal eagles out there, who are farther along in your law education than I or who are full-fledged professionals even, can shed some light on this for me?? I read the articles and watched a little bit of coverage today after work regarding this ban and all the activities accompanying it. And I understand that the ruling was really more of a legal decison based on how to amend California's constitution properly (which I guess the court feels was not done when gay marriage was allowed at first). I think what I was getting was that the Supreme Court of CA had to rule based upon its interpretation and application of the law based on those procedures that render an amendment to the constitution legal or not.

But what's the problem? These journalists seem to have trouble explaining it themselves! I'm curious as to what the legal issues are exactly, and I guess I would like to know what must be done by the state's citizens in order to properly call for and enact an amendment enabling gay people to wed. Obviously, it's a democracy, and if the vote doesn't stand up for that opinion, it wouldn't fly. But how to go about doing it? Does anyone know?

Okay, second, I'm not sure whether I'm the only person who did NOT realize this, but did you know that Canada has a QUEEN???? I was reading about that on Wikipedia and some other places, and I was flabbergasted. Oh yeah, go on and make jokes about how Americans don't know about other places in general, but this is news to me and I have beyond a 4-year college education. So I simply can't be the only one who didn't know this. Really, a QUEEN? The Wiki article seemed to state that the queen in Canada has even more power in government affairs than, say the Queen of England, who is widely regarded as a figure-head. What in the world? Now who can explain THIS to me?

And, last but certainly not least, I stated my brief opinion yesterday on Facebook regarding something I heard about the Cavaliers, the basketball team. What in the hell are they doing, considering selling a part of the team to a business group in China? So should we just lie down and die then? We are in the middle of the worst economic crisis of my lifetime, and we're just going to sell off pieces of the fabric of our society and culture to the highest bidder...ESPECIALLY one that has long had its sights on taking us down in so many ways!?!?

As the kids like to say, WTF?


Amanda said...

Thank you so much for reading, TerminallyUniq! I absolutely appreciate your time to sit and read some of my ramblings. I was really hoping to reach out to other individuals who are christian and feminists, because I too felt that there weren't others like us (but I'm glad I'm not alone!). Please, feel free to contribute any of your feminist &/or christian thoughts! I enjoy hearing what others have to say. But, once again, thanks for reading :)

((& I, too, had NO idea there was a Queen of Canada...I am stunned at that. Holy moley.))

Big Al said...

The Queen of England is the Queen of Canada since our neighbors to the north is a commonwealth of England. The Queens mug appears on Canadian currency. God Save the Queen, eh.

Gledwood said...

Queen Elizabeth II is queen of about 16 or 17 other states as well as "the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"... she also presides over the Commonwealth which actually seems to be ADDING members (of former French Africa) rather than losing them. In this role she has come into actual conflict with her former Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher ...